Dr.Vadiraj gorebal attended postgraduate Quiz competition organised by Indian Psychiatric society, Karnataka chapters at Father Muller Medical college, Mangalore on July 15/06/2017 and secured third prize.
Dr.Reshmi Ramesan presented poster titled “ Levetiracetam associated acute psychosis in post frontal lobe tumour excision-A case report” at the 50th Annual conference of Indian Psychiatric society, South Zone held at Wayanad, Kerala on October 27th to 29th 2017.
Dr.Rajeev Swamy, Associate Professor was a resource person and presented on Consultation liaison Psychiatry. Post graduate students namely Dr.Vadiraj Gorebal, Dr.Ashwathi J, and Dr.Pavitra A were present at the CME –Borderlands in Psychiatry at JJMMC Davanagere.
Dr.Vadiraj Gorebal and Dr.Pavithra A participated in a Quiz programme on SSRI Conducted by department of psychiatry and Department of Pharmacology on April 21,2018 at JJMMC Davanagere and secured third prize.
Dr.Reshmi Ramesan presented paper on “ Gender of the baby, social support and postpartum depression at state level conference, KANCIPS 2018 organised by Indian Psychiatric society, Karnataka Chapter held at SDM Medical college, Dharwad on August 30th -September 2nd 2018.
August 31st to September 1st 2018- Dr.Rajeev Swamy Associate Professor Judged free oral paper scientific session on 1st September 2018 at Karnataka Annual conference of Indian Psychiatric Society-2018 at SDM Medical college, Dharwad.
Dr.Shashidhara H L Associate professor also attended as a delegate at KANCIPS-2018
Dr. Vadiraj Gorebal presented poster titled “Organic Bipolar Disorder –An unusual neuropsychiatric sequel following traumatic brain injury” at state level conference, KANCIPS 2018 organised by Indian Psychiatric Society, Karnataka Chapter held at SDM Medical college, Dharwad on August 30th -September 2nd 2018.
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