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BioChemistry - Publications

BioChemistry Publications:


Dr. Mallikarjuna. C.R

  • Indian journal of clinical Biochemistry “Study of Malondialdehyde, total antioxidant capacity & vitamin E levels in preterm & term infants” Dr.Mallikarjuna, C.R , Professor & Head, Dept. of Biochemistry, Vol. 1 (2), Jan/Feb 2013.
  • International Journal of Pharmacy & Bioscience, “Serum Paraoxonase-1 Activity, Oxidative Stress & Lipid Profile in Patients with Chronic Liver Disease” IJPBS |Volume 3| Issue 1 |JAN-MAR |2013|01-06.
  • International journals innovative research & studies, Serum ferritin a novel risk factor for diabetes? IJIRS May 2013, Vol. 2 Issue 5.
  • International Research Journal of Pharmacy & Plant Science " Effect of Pranayama & yoga on Apolipoproteins, Lipid Profile & Atherogemic index in Healthy Subjects" Vol 1(2), Jan/Feb 2013.
  • International journal of universal pharmacy & bio sciences ”Study of Serum Zinc, Magnesium & chromium levels in type-2 diabetics” 3(3): May-June 2014.
  • International journal of clinical & scientific research “Study of subclinical hypothyroidism among type 2 diabetes mellitus” Vol 4(3),July-Sept 2015.
  • International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research, Lipoprotein (a) level and hsCRP as risk markers in Myocardial Ischemia Leela P1,*, C.R. Mallikarjuna 2, Shreedhar .A. M 3 October-December, 2018;5(4):646-650.
  • International Journal of Scientific Research, Lipid Profile And Oxidation Stress marker in PRE-& Post –Hemodialysis. June-2019,Vol-9, Issue-6.

Dr. Dattatreya. K

  • International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences. “SERUM LDH, ALP AND URIC ACID IN HYPERTENSIVE DISORDERS OF PREGNANCY” IJPBS |Volume 2| Issue 3 |JULY-SEPT |2012|201-209.
  • Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research,. Normal Pregnancy- A State of Insulin Resistance, 2014 Nov, Vol-8(11).

Dr. Ramlingareddy

  • International Journal (IJMB)“A Correlative study of Urinary Excretion of Copper, Ceruloplasmin and Iron in urine as biomarkers of Diabetic nephropathy. 2013;108:207-11.
  • International Journal (IJMB)Correlation of spot urine protein creatinine ratio with twenty four urine protein and serum lipid profile in type 2 diabetic nephropathy 2014;195:339-43
  • International Journal of Applied Biotechnology and Biochemistry “Salivary Trace Elements, Antioxidant Capacity and Albumin in Alcohol Dependence” 2014;4:77-83
  • International Journal (Thomas Reuters)“Multiple Myeloma with Biclonal Gammopathy of IgA Kappa Variant. 2017;6:4. (Index Copernicus-85.79 with impact factor-2.63) (Thomas Reuters)
  • International Journal (IJCBR) “Study of dyselectrolytemia in patients with multiple myeloma” July-September 2018 5(3):397-400.
  • Indian Journal (IJAR) Protein-bound sialic acid and carbohydrate deficient transferrin as alcohol biomarkers : a correlative study of blood and saliva in alcohol dependent males 2019;9:48-50 (Index Copernicus)
  • (IJMB) Comparative Study of Transudate and Exudate Pleural Fluid UsingC - reactive protein, Uric Acid and Malondialdehyde as Markers. 2019;23(1).
  • Indian J (IJMB) Effect of Hemodialysis on Trace Elements in Renal Failure Patients. 2019;23(1).

Dr. Shabnam S

  • International journal of clinical & scientific research, “Study of subclinical hypothyroidism among type 2 diabetes mellitus” Vol 4(3), July-Sept 2015.
  • International journal of clinical & scientific research (IJSR) “Study of e GFR in Type-2 Diabetes mellitus” Vol, 7 (3) March-2018
  • International Journal of Scientific Research “MICROALBUMINURIA AS A PREDICTOR OF RENAL DAMAGE IN TYPE-2 DIABETES MELLITUS ”. Volume-8 | Issue-2 | February-2019 PRINT ISSN No 2277 – 8179.
  • International Journal Of Scientific Research “EVALUATION OF CYSTATIN-C AS A BIOMARKER OF RENAL FUNCTION IN TYPE2 DIABETES MELLITUS” Volume-8 | Issue-12 | December - 2019 | 48 - 51.

Dr. Uzma Talath

  • International journal of clinical biochemistry and Research, Is placental growth factor an angiogenic marker in Type 2 Diabetes mellitus? Volume-4 Issue:02 June-2017.

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