Patil LS, Patil GL, Shridevi AS, Pujar T, Vinod CS, PShashikala and K Prakas- Evaluating the role of HPV as a primary screening method for cancer cervix: A pilot study – Int. Jour. of clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology ; 2019 : 3(5) : 01-05
Shridevi AS, Madhusoodana RB, Gayatri L PAtil and Renuka – An analysis of elective hysterectomies at a tertiary care centre in Karnataka- Int. J of Clinical Obstetrics and Gynaecology; 2019: 3(4): 68-70.
Prema Prabhudev1, Surabhi Soni2- Correlation between Thyroid Disorders and Dysfunctional uterine bleeding: A prospective study- Journal of Medical sciences and clinical research; April 2019: 7(4)
Dr. Prema Prabhudev1, Dr. Sapna IS2, Dr. Saroja3- Maternal and perinatal outcome in Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy- European journal of biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences; 2018: 5(6): 371-373.
Prevalence of constipation in pregnancy – A prospective study at a tertiary care hospital, Bimba1, Patil. G. L2, A.S.Shridevi 3, S.N.Praveena 4, B.Asha5, Mandava s 6, Reddy H7 Journal of Gynecology ; 2017: 1(2)
Dr. Malavika J. C, MS, DNB (obg)- A study of different phenotypic presentations of polycystic ovarian syndrome: an institutional experience- Int. J. Adv. Res.; 2017: 5(2): 291-296.
Malavika. J. C., *, Prema Prabhudev, Bandamma. N. S.- A Clinical study of ectopic pregnancy: a five – year institutional experience,- Int. J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol; June 2017: 6(6)
Malavika. J.C*, Prema Prabhudev- Changing trends in the usage of copper intrauterine contraceptive device: a five year institutional study- Int. J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol; May 2017: 6( 5).
Dr. Malavika.J. C, MS, DNBOB G1 and Dr. Vijayakumar. S. Shabadi - A unique co-relation: Postmenopausal estrogen deficiency and Aneurysmal subarachanoid Hemorrhage – International Journal of Advanced Research; January 2017: 5(12): 660-665.
Seema B. N1 *, Tejaswi. V. Pujar** - Comparison of safety, efficacy and perinatal outcome of isoxsuprine and nifedipine in women with preterm labour- Int. J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynaeco ; February 2017: 6( 2)
A clinical study of ectopic pregnancy: a five year institutional experience-Malavika J. C.* Prema Prabhudev, Bandamma. N.S – Int. J. Reprod contracept obstet gynacol. 2017 Jun: 6 (6): 2168-2173
Sapna. I. S., Zainab Mehazeena*- Prevalence and outcome of hypothyroidism in women affending antenatal clinic at. JJM Medical college- Int. J Reproduction, contraception Obstetrics and Gynaecology; August 2017: 6(8).
Shobha Dhananjay 1 , Sapna. I. S 1 , Amodita Ahuja2Enhancing contraceptivce usage by post placental intrauterine contraceptive device insertion with evaluation of safety, efficacy and expulsion- J Pub Health Med Res; 2017: 5(1):1-4
Sapna. I. S 1, Bhavya Jha 2, - A Prospective study of Twin deliveries and its perinatal outcomein a district hospital- J Pub Health Med Res; 2016:4(2):1-2
Malavika. J. C., *, Prema Prabhudev, Bandamma. N. S.- A Clinical study of ectopic pregnancy: a five – year institutional experience,- Int. J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol; June 2017: 6(6)
Malavika. J.C*, Prema Prabhudev- Changing trends in the usage of copper intrauterine contraceptive device: a five year institutional study- Int. J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol; May 2017: 6( 5).
Prema Prabhudev , Seema Chigateri - Efficacy of emergency internal iliac artery ligation in controlling post – partum hemorrhage- Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research; 2017: 4(3): 283-287
A Study of Different Phenotypic presentations of Polycystic ovarian syndrome:An Institutional Experience – Dr. Malavika J.C MS, DNB(OBG).:Int. J. Adv. Res. 2017 5(2), 291-296
A clinical study of ectopic pregnancy: a five-year institutional experience – Malavika J.C.*, Prema Prabhudev, Bandamma N.S- Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gyecol, 2017 Jun;6(6);2168-2173.
Changing tends in the usage of copper intrauterine contraceptive device: a five year institutional study – Malavika J.C.*, Prema PRabhudev: Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gyecol, 2017 May;6(5);1875-1879.
A Unique Co-Relation: Postmenopausal Estrogen Deficiency and Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage- Dr. Malavika J.C MS, DNB(OBG)1 and Dr. Vijaykumar S Shabadi M.Ch. Neurosurgery2:Int. J. Adv. Res. 2016 :5(1),660-665-296.
Clinical skill learning for tomorrow’s doctors – a step towards better obstetric care – Gayatri L.S1, Tejaswi Vittal Pujar2, Seema BN1, Linganagouda patil2 : Int. J. Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol 2016 June ; 5(6):1832-1835.
Saline infusion sonography in evaluation of uterine cavity abnormalities in infertility: a comparative study- Anita Sitamani1, Indu Chawla1, Poonam Vohra2: International Journal of Reproduction, contraception Obstetrics and Gynaecology September 2016;5(9):2995-300
Public awareness about Cancer cervix and Human Papilloma Virus Vaccines – 1Smriti Gupta,2Anita Sitamani, 3Anjali Gupta : Journal of South Asian Federation of Menopause Societies January-June 2015;3(1):1-2.
Reinventing overhead projector to enhance small group skill learning process : Gayatri L Patil1, Tejaswi V Pujar2, B.N.Seema3, Linganagowda S. Patil4, Ajith Sathyanand5, P.Shashikala6 - ISSN:2319-8141-Journal of Educational Research & Medical Teacher 2015;3(1):13-15
Medical teachers becoming technosay – perception of using whatsapp as a teching method – Renu L, P Shashikala, Bandamma Narenadra Ravikiran, Deshpande -Jounal of Educational Research & Medical teacher 2015;3(2):20-23
Clinical study of the mode delivery and perinatal outcome in breech delivery – T.G. Shashidhar1, Shashirekha. S.R.2, Bandamma N3, Nivedita S.K.4, Sneha Raj5- Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, July – Sept. 2015, Vol.6 No.3
A Clinical study of prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus and associated risk factors at a tertiary care centre in Karnataka, India – Shridevi A.S., Prema Prabhudev, Madhusoodana R. Bhovi – Int. J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2015 Dec;4(6):1840-1845.
Preceptions of universal precautions among health care professionals in labour wards of a tertiary care hospital – Dr.Sathyanand A3, Dr. BN. Seema2, Dr Patil GL1, Dr. Pujar T2, Dr. Patil LS4 - International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio-sciences 5(4):Sept-Oct 2015
Critical Analysis of the outcomes of obstetric admissions to critical care unit (CCU) P.S. Rashmi1, Prabhudev Prema2 - International journal of universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences 4(4): July -August 2015
Assessing the Importance of Breast Self Examination and Breast Cancer Awareness Among Health care Professionals –Tejaswi Vittal Pujar1, Gayatri L Patil2, Seema BN3, Linganagouda Patil4, Sathyanand A5, Hamsa6, Dhruva7, Gautam8 – J of Evidence Based Med & Hlthcare Vol.2/ Issue28, July 20, 2015
Use of misoprostol Versis mifeprostone and misoprostol for 2nd Trimester MTP.
International Journal: Indian Journal- Role Tracexamic acid in decreasing blood loss in lower Segment caesarean section Journal of Medical Research and Practice March 2012 : Vol No-1:Issue 2, 40-4
Clinical study and outcome of polycystic ovarian syndrome Nepal journal of obstetrics and Gynaeclogy. May-June:6(1): 22-27
a) Feasibility of cervical cancer screening among Lambani women in a community based screening study involving about 5000 Lambani women.
b) Screening of Breast cancer among lambani womn
c) Clinical evaluation of thromobocytopenia pregnancy.
Conducted a comparative rural and urban community based pilot study for adolescent girls regarding obesity, menstrual hygiene and reproductive health and HIV awareness.
e) Clinical presentation and management of urological complications of advanced carcinoma cervix.
Comparing reproduction and sexual health among rural and urban adolescents.
Neglected cases of advanced breast carcinoma
Clinical profile of Borderline ovarian tumours.
Feasibility of cervical cancer screening among Lambani women in a community based screening study involving about 5000 Lambani women
Cutaneous Metastasis of cervical cancer, Nepal Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Nov – Dec:5(2):14-16
Clinical study and outcome of polycystic ovarian syndrome Nepal journal of obstetrics and Gynaeclogy.May-June:6(1): 22-27
Postoperative pulmonary complications after elective abdominal surgery, Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, Jan-March 2012,3(1), 114-117
Significance of an inflammatory smear in the evaluation of cervical smear at a low resource settings, Journal Medical Research and Practice, Jan 2012 (1)
Improving menstrual knowledge and management for adolescent girls- A pilot study, Jounal of Medical Research and Practice Jan 2012, (1), 7-11
Contributed some practical OSCE’s in obstetrics and Gynaecology for the textbook on OSCE’s in medicine 2011, under Publications
Benign breast disease at the gynaecology out patient clinic , Journal of Medical Research and Practice, Jan 2012, 12-16
Cross sectional survey of burden of illness in terminally ill cancer patients, Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, Jan-June 2011, Vol(4):No-1, 33-37
Clinical use and safety of medical methods of first trimester abortion, Indian Journal of Health Research and Development , accepted for publication Jan 2011
A Pilot study of relation of polycystic ovary syndrome and metabolic disorder in Davangere. Karnataka, Indian Journal Public Health Research.
Fashionable tobacco habits; alert an oral cancer, epidemic. Journal of Surgery
Role of Antiretroviral therapy in HIV positive pregnant womenInternational Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences(IJPBS) Volume-2, Issue4/Octo-Dece/2012/01-0
Role Of Tracexamic acid in decreasing blood loss in lower Segment caesarean section. Journal of Medical Research and Practice March 2012 : Vol No-1:Issue 2, 40-43
Clinical study of ectopic pregnancy Journal of clinical diagnosis and Research May 2012 : Vol No-1:Issue 2, 40-43
Maternal Mortality Review at Tertiary centre
Unilateral high uterosacral suspension with site specific repair for pelvic organ prolapse.
a) A Review of Maternal Mortality at a Tertiary institute JPOG August 2010 * 317
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