On 09/08/2007 Dr. Prema Prabhudev attended one day CME held at JJMMC conducted by dept. of Pathology of both JJMMC and SSIMS . Dr. Prema Prabhudev was chairperson for one session in which Bleeding disorders in - will
All OBG staff members attended Colposcopy workshop which was held at JJMMC by OBG dept. and OBG Society and the guest speaker was Dr. Bafra Onco Surgeon on 1st Sep. 2007
All OBG staff members attended one day CME held at JJMMC by OBG society and OBG dept. on 26/08/2007 and topics discussed were “Pregnancy induced Hypertensions” and “Post Partum Haemorrgage”
Dr. Prema Prabhudev attended and participate ‘Laproscopy workshop’ at Nemans convention hall at Bangalore conducted by BEST’ centre between 18th to 20th Octo. 2007.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev gave lecture on “Women and health” during Taralubalu Hunnime at Holalkere on 17/02/2008.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev was one of the panel members during a symposium “on menopause” samaja by vanith lady doctors.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev was chairperson for guest lecture by Dr. A. Rajshekhar, HOD, JJMMC on “Newer progesterone in contraception” arranged by Fogsi Gynaecology Association of Davangere on 30/05/2008.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev, Dr. Gayatri L Patil and Dr. Rashmi. P.S. were attended Surgery CME organized by Dept. of Surgery, SSIMS in “Surgical oncology” on 14th June 2008.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev, Dr. Gayatri L Patil and Dr. Rashmi. P.S. were attended Dermatology C ME organized by Dept. of Dermatology, SSIMS in ‘Current prescription of Dermatological on 29/06/2008.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev, Dr. Gayatri L Patil and Dr. Rashmi. P.S. were attended Biochemistry CME organized by Dept. of Biochemistry, SSIMS in “Inborn errose of metabolism “ on 05/07/2008.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev, Dr. Gayatri L Patil and Dr. Rashmi. P.S. were attended CME on “Vascular surgery” at JJMMC on 09/08/2008.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev attended workshop on Gynaecology Laproscopic surgery and Urogynaec surgery on 18/10/2008 and one days CME on Gynaecology laparoscopy, Urogynaecology and infertility on 19/10/2008 in “RAGE” at Bangalore conducted by Dr. Ramesh Academy of Gynaecologic endoscopy.
Dr. Gayatri L Patil attended a crash couse of on basics of clinical research at Banglaore form Octo. 20th to 25th 2008.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev, Dr. Gayatri L Patil and Dr. Rashmi. P.S were attended workshop and CME programme on “ Vaginal Hysterectomy “ at JJMMC on 10/02/2009.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev, Dr. Gayatri L Patil and Dr. Rashmi. P.S were attended guest lecture on IUGR by Dr. Nandini and Dr. Poornima ,consultants, Bangalore orgnaised by OBG society Davangere branch on 15/05/2009.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev attended short CME in JJJMMC on “Post Caesarean pregnancy” in 13/06/2009.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev attended CME on “Varicella infectionas” organized by dept. of Dermatology, SSIMS on 14/06/2009.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev , Dr. Gayatri L Patil, Dr. Rashmi. P.S were attended & actively participated in CME and Workshop on “Advanced Endoscopic surgery at JJMMC on 08/08/2009.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev attended CME & workshop on “Ultrasound and Laproscopy on 04/09/2009 orgnaised by BSOGA at Bangalore during precongress workshop at 20th KSOGA state conference of FOGSI.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev participated in 20th KSOGA conference held at Bangalore on 5th & 60th Sept. 2009 and delivered lecture on “Screening for chromosomal abnormalities during 2nd trimester of pregnancy”
Dr. Prema Prabhudev attended Tele conference in OBG video demonstration at JJMMC on 30/08/2009.
Dr. Prema Prabhude attended 2dyas ICOG CME held at VIMS Medical College Bellary as an invited faculty on 24th & 25th November 2009 and delivered a lecture on “Management of Unexplained Intrauterine Fetal Death”
Dr. Prema Prabhudev attended and particiapated in CTG workshop and CME on prenatal diagnosis and eclampsia organized by dept. of OBG JJMMC & OBG Society, Davangere Chapter at Bapuji hospital on 31st January 2010.
Dr. Gayatri. L. Patil attended the Silver Jubliee “ACOG”conference at Kolkata, February 25th to 27th 2010, presented a paper on “Cross sectional survey of burden of illness in terminally ill cancer patients” and a poster on “cutaneous metastasis of cervcal cnacer”, attended colposcopy, obstetric skills, Urogynaecology and ultrasound imaging workshops at the conference.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev attended Davangere OBG Society in association with dept. of OBG SSIMS & RC., and JJMMC, Davangere organized a CME/ Symposiom on safe motherhood intiative and participated in the Pannel discussion of safe use of antihypertensives in pregnancy.
Dr. PRema PRabhudev , Dr. Gayatri L Patil and Dr. Gayatri L Ptil attended the guest lecture on “ Thyroid Disorders in Pregnancy” by Dr. Arpandev Bhatcharya (Manipal), Endocrinologist on 19th March 2010 organized by Fogsi, DVG OBG Society.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev, was one of the speakers in ICTC – HIV orientation and sensitization programme held at SSIMS hospital auditorium on 23rd March 2010. Dr. Prema Prabhudev spoke on “Prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV infection and management of HIV affected women during pregnancy labour and postnatal period. Participants were Health workers, Lab Technicians, Junior doctors, Nurses, Supervising staffs and Group- D workers.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev was one of the moderators for one session during CME/ Lab wet workshop on bleeding disorders held at library auditorium JJMMC, Davangere on 25th March 2010 organised by dept. of Pathology, JJM Medical college Davangere. Dr. Prema Prabhudev chaired the session and was one of the moderators. Topic was management of abnormal bleeding tendency including basic nursing care.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev attended guest lecture on “Renal failure in obstetrics” organized by OBG society , FOGSI, Davangere branch on 21st May 2010 Friday Guest speaker :- Dr. Rajiv Agarwal,Nephrologist, JJMMC, Davangere.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev attended and actively participated in CME and live workshop on Obst. Ultrasound and Doppler orgnaised by OBG society, Davangere at library lecture hall, Bapuji hospital on 18th July 2010.
Dr. Prema Prabudev attended short CME on “World Breast Feeding” organized by dept. of Peadiatrics and OBG society on 6th August 2010 at Bapuji hospital CHI Auditorium.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev was invited faculty during CME on National HIV/AIDS care and treatment protocols in hospitals and medical institutions on 7th August 2010 at SSIMS hospital auditorium organized by dept. of Community medicine and gave lecture on “PPTCT”- Prevention of Parent to child transmission of HIV infections.
On 3rd,4th and 5th September 2010 Dr. Prema Prabhudev attended 21st KSOGA conference at Hassan as an invited faculty and talked on “Dealing with Dysfunctional uterine bleeding during session on endocrinology”. Dr. Prema Prabhudev attended and participated actively in Congress workshop conducted during 21st KSOGA conference. Workshops on Colposcopy and HPV vaccine, Instrumental deliveries and Essentials vaginal surgeries. Dr. Prema Prabhudev was one of the judge’s during presentations (free papers and prize papers) during 21st KSOGA state conference held at Hassan on 3rd , 4th and 5th Sep. 2010.
Dr. Rashmi. P.S., Asst. Professor attended 21st KSOGA conference at Hassan and presented a poster presentation on “ Primary fallopian tube carcinoma presenting at middle age on 3rd,4th & 5th September 2010.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev was chairperson during endocrinology CME organized by dept. of Medicine at SSIMS & RC auditorium on topic- Thyroid disorders during pregnancy by Endocrinologist Dr. Arpan Battcharya on October 8th 2010.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev attended CME on Medical disorders in pregnancy organized by dept. of OBG JJMMC and OBG Society Davangere on 30th and 31st Octo. 2010 at Bapuji hospital and was chairperson for one session. Topics were Acute Renal Failure in Obstetrics by Dr. Rajeev Agarwal, Nephrologist and jaundice in pregnancy by Dr. Veerendra Kumar, Hepatologist from Bangalore.
Dr. Gayatri L.Patil, Dr. Rashmi.P.S., attended CME on Medical disorders in pregnancy organized by OBG dept., Bapuji hospital on 30th & 31st Octo. 2010.
Dr. Rashmi. P.S. attended and conducted workshop on “Adoloscent Gyneac problems and discussed about adolescent problems with interactive session with 1st & 2nd P.U. college students(Girls) participated in the workshop conducted at Government Pre-university college, DoddaBathi under NCC on 27th November 2010.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev attended South Neocon 2010 CME programme for obsteritician at Nanjappa Hospital , Shimoga as an invited faculty and delivered lecture on intrapartum fetal asphyxia-what triggers and consequences on 26th November 2010.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev Prof & HOD, & Dr. Sarvamangala. B. Professor attended OBG society meeting at Bapuji hospital on 21/01/2011. Dr. Nagaraja Shetty Radiologist from Boston university delivered a lecture on : - MRI OF PELVIS with video demonstration .
Dr. Prema Prabhudev, Dr. Sarvamangala B. Dr. Rashmi Gaddagi attended and actively participated in OBG society meeting held at Bapuji Library Lecture hall on 17/06/2011. Topic : - Recent Trends in the Management of Stress Urinary Incontinence. Speaker : - Dr. Vijaya Kumar. M. S.(OBG) , DNB. Asst Prof, Amberkar Medica college , Banglore
Dr. Prema Prabhudev , Dr. Gayathri L. Patil, Dr. Rashmi A. G. Participated and discussed in detail about “Detection & Management of Pre Invasive & Invasive Cervical Cancer in health awareness “ programme for females under “ Pranathi ” through Suvarna channel .
Dr. Rashmi P. S. Asso Prof Participated and discussed in detail about “Detection & Management of Urine Cancer” in health awareness programme for females under “Pranathi ” thro Suvarna channel
Dr. Prema prabhudev Prof & Hod & Dr. Sarvamangala B. Professor attended OBG society meeting held at Bapuji Hospital on 15/07/2011. Topic : Inducation of ovulation in PCOS Guest Speaker : - Dr. Shobhara Patedh ,Professor in OBG, JNMC – Belgam
Dr. Prema Prabhudev, Dr. Gayatri L.Patil Asso. Prof. attended as observers in a training programme “Communication skills” arranged by medical education dept. on 22nd,23rd and 24th Sept. 2011.
Dr. Gayatri L.Patil, Dr. Rashmi A.G, Dr. Vijayalaxmi attended CME on “Medical disorders in Pregnancy and Laproscopy workshop” on 22nd and 23rd Octo. 2011. CME and workshop organized by dept. of OBG JJMMC and OBG society, Davangere at Bapuji hospital labour room complex and library lecturer hall.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev attended 22nd KSOGA conference held at Manipal on 4th, 5th and 6th Nove.2011. She attended as a invited faculty and one of the panelist in panel discussion on “Disorders of sexual development”.
Dr. Rashmi. P.S. Asso. Professor attended 22nd KSOGA conference held at Manipal on 4th to 6th Nove. 2011 and presented paper on “Role of Tranexemic acid in reducing blood loss during obstetric LSCS”.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev attended guest lecture on ‘Pregnancy with Asthama’ by Dr. Vidyasagar, Chest Physician, organized by OBG society Davangere branch during general body meeting and election of new barriers at Prince hotel, Chethana complex on 28th January 2012.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev professor as invited to be the chairperson for guest lecture on Management in inhibitors in Hemophilia” by Dr. Flavia. B at Bapuji auditorium during national CME on Hematology 2012 organised by dept. of Pathology, JJMMC on 19th Feb. 2012, Sunday.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev Prof. & HOD gave lecture and conducted workshop on “contraceptive method” in CHI auditorium organized under Vivek parental education on 29th March 2012.
Faculty from dept. of OBG attended CME and workshop on “Gynaec. Oncology “was held at Bapuji hospital, library lecture hall on 31st march 2012 organised by dept OBG. JJMMC & OBG society Davangere Branch. Dr. Prema Prabudev, Prof. & HOD was chairperson during scientific session Topic - “Chemotherapy in ovarian malignancy” Guest speaker - Dr. Ravi Diwakar, Professor Medical Oncologist Chennai
Dr. Prema Prabhudev,., Dr. Gayatri L.Patil attended and actively participated in workshop on “Evaluation of techniques and mechanics of question papers setting” on 2nd June 2012 at S.S. Institute of Pathology dept. seminar hall organized by DOM, SSIMS & RC.,
All faculty form dept. of OBG attended and actively participated during CME on “Basic infertility workshop” orgnaised by OBG society, Davangere at library lecturer hall, Bapuji hospital on 4th Saturday 2012.
Dr. Rashmi. P.S. Asso. Professor attended KSOGA-2012 state conference at Belgaum from 19th to 21st October 2012 as a delegate for Panel discussion
Dr. Prema Prabhudev, Dr. Gayatri L Patil , Dr. Rashmi P.S., Dr. Rashmi A.G. and Dr. Vijaykumar. M. M attended a CME on “Obstetric and Gynaec. Endocrionology” on 8th December 2012 at JJMMC organized by OBG society Davanger branch and dept. of OBG, JJMMC.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev and Dr. Gayatri L.Patil, were chair persons during session on “Diagnosis and Management of GDM during CME organised by Dept. of General Medicine, SSIMS & RC., at Hospital auditorium on 8th December 2012.
Dr. Gayatri L .Patil Professor attended All India Conference of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists January 2013 held at Mumbai and presented a paper on ‘Comparing reproductive and Sexual health among urban and rural adolescent girls’.
Dr. Vijaykumar.M.M, attended Urogynaecology workshop as faculty at Bangalore, Sanjeevani hospital on 29th & 30th June 2013.
Dr. Vijaykumar. M.M, Asso. Professor delivered a guest speech at IMA hall Badravathi on ‘Female stress urinary incontinence and vaginal discharge’ on 25th August 2013.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev was one of the invited faculty for during breast feeding and gave lecture on ‘ Antenatal preparation for breast feeding’on 6th August 2013 at LT-4, SSIMS Hospital.
Dr. Vijaykumar. M.M., Asso. Professor was one of invited faculty for Urogyn 2013 conference and gave lecture on “Pelvic floor anatomy and reconstructive surgeries” on 28th & 29th Sept. at Silchar Medical College, Assam.
All the faculty of dept. of OBG attended CME organized by Medicine dept. on ‘Update on Thyroid disorders’ on 15/03/2014 at S.S. Auditorium
All the faculty of dept. of OBG actively attended CME on ‘Motivation for Research and writing scientific paper’ on 22nd March 2014 at S.S. Auditorium conducted by RGHUS.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev, Pro. & HOD was attended OBG CME at JNMC, Balgaum as KMC observer on 26th April 2014.
Faculty from dept. of OBG attended the CME organized by OBG Society on 18th May 2014 at JJMMC, Davangere. Speaker: Dr. Milind Shah, Professor from Kolapur Topic: a) Management of PCOS and, b) Newer progestins in Gynec.
Dr. Prema Prabhudev, Professor & HOD, Dr. Vijaykumar. M.M., Asso. Prof. and Dr. Anitha. K., Asst. Prof. attended OBG Society teaching programme held on 30th May 2014 between 2.30pm to 5pm. Guest lecture given by Dr. Dhananjay, Nephrologist on ‘ Acute Renal injury in obstetrics’
Dr. Rashmi P.S. Asso. Professor has undergone training in Basic Ultrosonography under Dr. Chitra Ganesh, Director, Mediscan Bangalore from 20th January to 28th February 2014. And has participated as delegate in BSOG Medico-legal workshop held on 9th of Feb. 2014 at API Bhavan, Vasanth Nagar, Bangalore
Dr. Shridevi. A.S., Asso. Professor attended YUVA Fogsi South Zone 2014 from 6th to 8th June 2014 at JSS Medical college & Hospital, Mysore
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