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Community Medicine - RNTCP

Community Medicine - RNTCP:

Activities under RNTCP

  • DOTS Centre of SSIMS & RC was part of Active case finding 2019 (programme of RNTCP) during 25/11/19 to 10/12/19.
  • Dr. Geethalakshmi RG attended Zonal task force meeting at Guntur Medical College on 4th and 5th November 2019. Karnataka state retained the best performing state for contribution of medical colleges in RNTCP in South Zone.
  • Core committee meeting for 3rd quarter of 2019 was arranged in college council hall on 5/12/19. Thirteen members attended the meeting including District TB Officer and Dr. N.K. Kalappanavar.
  • Sensitization workshops on “Updates in RNTCP – 2019” have been started from 11/12/19. They are planned in 8 batches, and 6 sensitizations are completed till December 2019 for staff nurses, lab technicians and interns in SSIMS & RC.
  • Dr. Geethalakshmi RG, Nodal Officer and Dr. Satish S. Patil from Dept. of Microbiology, SSIMS & RC attended “Workshop on establishing DR-TB wards in medical colleges and Airborne Infection Control Guidelines” at MS Raimaiah Medical College, Bengaluru on 17/12/19 organized by Dept. of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Karnataka.
  • Sensitization workshops on “Updates in RNTCP – 2019” were conducted in collaboration with District TB Office, Davangere by Dept. of Community Medicine and Pulmonary Medicine. Dr. Geethalakshmi RG, Dr Ratnaprabha and Dr. Anup Banur were the resource persons. They were conducted in 8 batches from December 2019 to February 2020 for Staff nurses, Lab technicians, Interns, PG students and Teaching faculty in SSIMS & RC in the Medical Education Hall from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM on the following dates. A total of 352 health personnel were sensitized.
  • Sl. No. Date Participants Numbers
    1 11/12/2019 Staff Nurse+ LTs 31 +8 = 39
    2 12/12/2019 Staff Nurse+ LTs 26+10 = 36
    3 13/12/2019 Interns 50
    4 19/12/2019 Staff Nurses 23
    5 20/12/2019 Interns 57
    6 28/01/2020 Interns 57
    7 29/01/2019 Teaching faculty + PGs 25 + 25 = 50
    8 04/04/2019 Teaching faculty + PGs 23 + 17 = 40
  • Dr. Geethalakshmi RG, Nodal Officer and Dr. Satish Patil from Dept. of Microbiology, SSIMS & RC attended “Workshop on establishing DR-TB wards in medical colleges and Airborne Infection Control Guidelines” at MS Raimaiah Medical College, Bengaluru on 17/12/19 organized by Dept. of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Karnataka.
  • CME & Workshop on “Tubercular Skin Test & Airborne Infection Control” was organized by Dept. of Community Medicine, SSIMS & RC in collaboration with District TB Centre, Dept. of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Karnataka on 28/02/2020. It was conducted in Medical Education Hall from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM. Dr. Narayan Holla, Professor, Dept. of Community Medicine, KVG Medical College & Hospital, Sullia and DR. Satish Patil, Professor, Dept. of Microbiology, SSIMS& RC were the resource persons. Participants were Teaching faculty & PG students (51) and Nursing staff (10).

RNTCP Activities 2019

  • 1. Dr. Rakesh J, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Community Medicine attended workshop on “Supportive Supervision for RNTCP in North Karnataka Region” organized by Dept. of Community Medicine, Navodaya Medical College, Raichur on 29/01/2019 and 30/01/2019.
  • 2. Sensitization workshop on “RNTCP Technical and Operational Guidelines – 2016 and Programmatic Management of Drug Resistant TB – 2017” has started for various students and staff as follows
    Date Time Participants Numbers
    22/02/2019 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Interns 58
    23/02/2019 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Interns 56
    01/03/2019 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM PG students + Interns 51
    08/03/2019 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM PG students + Interns 55
    13/03/2019 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Interns 51
    15/03/2019 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Nursing staff 41
    03/04/2019 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Nursing staff 46
    04/04/2019 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Nursing staff 40
    Event was formally inaugurated on 22/02/2019, by Dr. G.D. Raghavan, District TB Officer, Davangere, Dr. Geethalakshmi R.G, Nodal Officer for RNTCP in SSIMS & RC, Dr. K.G Basarajappa, Professor & Head of Dept. of Microbiology, Dr Narendra, Professor & Head, Dept. of Emergency Medicine.
  • 3. Integrated teaching on “Recent updates in RNTCP” was conducted by Dept. of Community Medicine (Dr. Geethalakshmi R.G) and Pulmonary Medicine (Dr. Anup Banur) for 6th and 7th term students on 15/03/2019. About 170 students were present
  • 4. On the occasion of World TB day, “State level RNTCP Quiz” was conducted by Dept. of Community Medicine for undergraduate students on 22/03/2019 and 160 students participated in the same.
  • 5. Core committee meeting for 4th quarter of 2018 was conducted on 30/03/2019 at college council Hall at 11:30 AM. Dr Geethalakshmi R.G and Dr Ratnaprabha presented annual statistics of DOTS centre. Totally 15 members attednded the meeting including District TB Officer, Dr. G.D Ragahavan and discussed the RNTCP activities happening in SSIMS & RC and plan for successive period.
  • 6. Dr. Rakesh. J, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Community Medicine was involved in internal evaluation RNTCP in Chitradurga District from 2/5/2019 to 4/5/2019. The monitoring team members consisted of office members of State TB Office, DTOs (Davangere, Bengaluru Rural), WHO consultant and was headed by Dr M.Manjula, Joint Director TB for state.
  • 7. Dr. Ratnaprabha attended State Task Force meet to assess RNTCP involvement of medical colleges in Karnataka in State Helath and Family Welfare Training Centre, Bengaluru on 7/6/2019.
  • 8. Second core committee meeting was held on 8/7/2019 at college council hall. Meeting was attended by 18 members including second medical officer form DTC, Principal, nodal officer, central lab incharge Mr. Santosh and PPM coordinator Mr. Shivarayappa Doddamani.
  • 9. Dr Shakuntala V Rao, Medical Officer, DOTS centre went for training at National Tuberculosis Institute, Bengaluru from 16/9/19 to 28/9/19.

RNTCP Activities July to September-2018

  • 1. Dr Ratnaprabha was the resource person for PMDT team training organized by KHPT & RNTCP for programme field staff and medical officers at Haveri on 07/08/2018.
  • 2. Dr Ratnaprabha attended the State Task Force Meeting organized by State TB Cell, RNTCP at SIHFW, Leprosy Hospital Campus, Bengaluru on 18/08/2018.
  • 3. Dr. Rakesh J, Asst prof attended state level RNTCP conference. Theme – Pharmacovigilence under RNTCP at GIMS, Gulbarga on 31st July, 2018 and presented a oral paper titled “ Knowledge and perceptions among health care providers regarding ADR’s following anti-TB medications in rural and urban field practice area of SSIMSRC, Davangere.

RNTCP Activities 2018

  • 1. Third quarter core committee meeting was held at SSIMS & RC, College council Hall in the presence of Dr Shilpa, Medical Officer, District TB Centre, Davangere and Dr B.S Prasad, Principal, SSIMS & RC on 05/01/2018
  • 2. Dr Ratnaprabha attended Zonal Task Force Meet of RNTCP at Kamineni Academy of Medical Science & Research Centre, Hyderabad on 23rd & 24th January 2018.
  • 3. First sensitization programme on RNTCP Technical and Operational Guidelines – 2016 was done on 16/02/2018 for a batch of interns in SSIMS & RC, in the presence of Dr. Tripalamba, District Health Officer and Dr G.D Raghavan, District TB Officer, Davangere.
  • 4. Second sensitization programme on RNTCP Technical and Operational Guidelines – 2016 was done on 21/02/2018 for a batch of interns in SSIMS & RC, in the Medical Education Hall.
  • 5. Third sensitization programme on RNTCP Technical and Operational Guidelines – 2016 was done on 02/03/2018 for a batch of interns in SSIMS & RC, in the Medical Education Hall.
  • 6. Dr Rakesh (Dept. of Community Medicine) & Dr. Ajith (Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine) attended TOT Workshop on Revised Programmatic Management of DR TB (PMDT) Guidelines – 2017, organized by KHPT in Bengaluru on 20 – 21st April 2018. Dr Anup Banur was the resource person.
  • 7. Dr Anup Banur went as resource person for CME on PMDT Guidelines in SNMC, Bagalkot on 29th April 2018.
  • 8. Dr Ratnaprabha (Dept. of Communiuty Medicine) attended the same training on 4 – 5th May 2018 in Bengaluru.
  • 9. IAPSM organized national level short educational video contest against tuberculosis on the occasion of World TB Day (24th March 2018) for UG & PG students of medical colleges. Dr Madonna D’souza (2nd year PG student form Dept. of Community Medicine) bagged the first prize under PG category under the Karnataka state chapter.
  • 10. Core committee meeting (1st Quarter of 2018) at SSIMS & RC, College Council Hall on 17/05/2018.
  • 11. State Task Force Meeting was organized in SSIMS & RC on 18/05/2018. A total of 70 participants attended the meeting, including nodal officers from different medical colleges of Karnataka, District TB Officers and representatives from USAID and KHPT NGO.
  • 12. RNTCP state level conference was organized by SSIMS & RC, Davangere on 19/05/2018. Dr. Geethalakshmi R.G, Dr. Ashwin Kumar, Dr. Ratnaprabha, Dr. Vinayak J.K, Dr. Rakesh and postgraduate students Dr. Madonna D, Dr. Mohammad Muntazeem and Dr. Faye Rose attended the conference. Two oral papers were presented in the conference of which Dr. Ashwin Kumar won the third best paper award among faculty category.
  • 13. Dr Ratnaprabha attended meeting regarding PMDT team training organized by KHPT in collaboration with the RNTCP on 07/06/2018.
  • 14. Dr Asha Bullappa attended one day workshop organized by Govt. of Karnataka on Active Case Finding Survey to be held in the state from 2nd to 13th July 2018 at Bengaluru on 18/06/2018.
  • 15. Dr Geethalakshmi RG (Dept. of Community Medicine), Dr Siddappa (Dept. of Medicine), Dr Priya V (Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine) attended Training of Trainers on RNTCP TOG-2016 organized by KHPT at St. John’s Medical College, Bengaluru on 18/06/2018 – 19/06/2018.
  • 16. Dr Ratnaprabha was one of the resource persons for PMDT team training organized by KHPT & RNTCP for programme field staff and medical officers at Shimoga on 19/06/2018.
  • 17. Dr Geethalakshmi RG and Dr Ratnaprabha were resource persons for PMDT team trainings organized by KHPT & RNTCP for programme field staff and medical officers at Davangere on 20/06/2018 and 21/06/2018.
  • 1. RNTCP Core committee was renewed on 22nd July 2016 and a Core Committee meeting was organized by Dr Geethalakshmi RG, Nodal Officer for RNTCP at SSIMS & RC on 26th July 2016.
  • 2. Dr Raghavan G. District Tuberculosis Officer, Davangere sensitized about “Updates in RNTCP” for all the Core Committee members
  • 3. RNTCP State Task Force (STF) Meeting was held at Bengaluru on 9/08/2016. Dr Geethalakshmi RG, Professor & Head and Nodal Officer for RNTCP at SSIMS & RC along with Dr Ratnaprabha, Assistant Professor, In-charge of RNTCP at SSIMS & RC attended the meeting, representing the Institution.
  • 4. The Department coordinated the sensitization programme by Dr Raghavan G, District Tuberculosis Officer, Davangere for all the staff and PG students of SSIMS & RC about “Updates in RNTCP” during the Academic Body Session on 27/09/2016. Briefings of STF meeting and the statistics of RNTCP activities at SSIMS & RC was presented at the Academic Body Session on 27/09/2016 by Dr Geethalakshmi RG.
  • 5. Dr Geethalakshmi RG, Nodal Officer for DOTS center in SSIMS & RC attended State Task Force meeting organized by State TB Cell, State Task Force in ST. John’s Medical College, Bangalore on 13/06/2017. Objectives of the meeting were to review the RNTCP performance in medical colleges and way forward and to develop an action plan to implement Revised Technical & Operational Guidelines – 2016 in medical colleges.
  • 6. Dr Ratnaprabha, Dr Anoop Banur, Dr Jayasimha and Dr Asha Bullappa underwent Technical and Operational Guidelines (TOG) for TB control in India at SSIMS & RC Davangere, organized by DTO during 19th – 24th May 2017. Dr Geethalaksmi R.G was one of the resource persons for the above mentioned training.
  • 7. Dr Anup Banur was the resource person for TOG training programme in SNMC, Bagalkot on 28th – 29th November 2017
  • 8. Dr Ratnaprabha participated in Active Case Finding programme as an external monitor from 4th – 8th December 2017 in Davangere District
  • 9. Seminar on “Moving towards Tuberculosis free India” organized by Rotary club, Davangere for Rotary members and Department of Biotechnology of Bapuji Institute of Engineering & Technology (BIET) at the BIET College, Davangere on 19th December 2017. Dr G.D Raghavan, Dr Geethalakshmi R.G, Dr Anup Banur, Dr Balu P.S were the resource persons.
  • 10. Dr Geethalakshmi RG attended State Task Force meeting of RNTCP in Bengaluru on 23/12/2017
  • 11. Third quarter core committee meeting was held at SSIMS & RC, College council Hall in the presence of Dr Shilpa, Medical Officer, District TB Centre, Davangere and Dr B.S Prasad, Principal, SSIMS & RC on 05/01/2018
  • 12. Dr Ratnaprabha attended Zonal Task Force Meet of RNTCP at Kamineni Academy of Medical Science & Research Centre, Hyderabad on 23rd & 24th January 2018.
Date Participants Numbers
1 16/02/18 Interns 42
2 21/02/18 Interns 25
3 05/03/18 Interns 45
4 06/03/18 Nursing Staff 43
5 08/03/18 Nursing Staff 39
6 10/03/18 Nursing Staff 36
7 13/03/18 Postgraduate Students 43
8 14/03/18 Postgraduate Students & Interns 45 (21 pgs)
9 17/03/18 Postgraduate Students & Interns 32 (25 pgs)
10 20/03/18 Nursing Staff 39
11 23/03/18 Teaching Faculty 44
12 23/03/18 Teaching Faculty 50
  • 2. Training of Trainers on RNTCP PMDT Guidelines 2017 was held on 9th & 10th March 2018 at Fortune Park, JP Celestial by KHPT (NGO). Dr Geethalakshmi R.G, Dept. of Community Medicine was one of the participants and Dr Anup Banur, Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine was one of the resource persons.
  • 3. RNTCP TOG -2016 training for faculty organized by Dept. of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of Karnataka at St. John’s Medical College, Bengaluru on 15th & 16th March 2018. Dr Rakesh, Dept. of Community Medicine, Dr Prakah Gundigatti, Dept. of General Medicine and Dr Ajith E.T, Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine were the participants.
  • 4. Fourth Quarter-2017 core committee meeting was held on 15/03/2018 at the College Council Hall. Twelve people attended the meeting including Dr Shilpa, Medical Officer, District TB Centre.
  • 5. State level RNTCP Quiz 2018, College round was conducted for undergraduate students and interns in SSIMS & RC on 16/03/2018. Fifty students (25 teams and one spot registered team) participated in the Quiz and top two places were awarded with prizes.
  • 6. Dr. V.L Jayasimha, Professor, Dept. of Microbiology was deputed to attend training at National Tuberculosis Institute, Bengaluru on 22/03/208 and Dr Kiran L.J, Professor, Dept. of Pharmacology was deputed for the same on 23/03/2018.
  • 7. World TB day was observed by SSIMS & RC, organized by Dept. of Community Medicine. A rally by undergraduate students, interns & doctors of SSIMS & RC in Davangere city, around the Municipal Corporation, Mandakkki Bhatti along with a street play nursing staff and two role plays by nursing students. Sky lanterns were released by Dr. Prabha Mallikarjun along with Principal, Medical Director, Vice Principals, HOD of Community Medicine, SSIMS & RC and DTO, Davangere in the evening in Hospital Block. It was also accompanied by health talks and playing video clippings for the general public assembled in the hospital.
  • 1. Dr Rakesh (Dept. of Communiuty Medicine) & Dr. Ajith (Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine) attended TOT Worshop on Revised Programmatic Management of DR TB (PMDT) Guidelines – 2017, organized by KHPT in Bengaluru on 20 – 21st April 2018. Dr Anup Banur was the resource person.
  • 2. Dr Anup Banur went as resource person for CME on PMDT Guidelines in SNMC, Bagalkot on 29th April 2018.
  • 3. Dr Ratnaprabha (Dept. of Communiuty Medicine) attended the same training on 4 – 5th May 2018 in Bengaluru.
  • 4. IAPSM organized national level short educational video contest against tuberculosis on the occasion of World TB Day (24th March 2018) for UG & PG students of medical colleges. Dr Madonna D’souza (2nd year PG student form Dept. of Community Medicine) bagged the first prize under PG category under the Karnataka state chapter.
  • 5. Core committee meeting (1st Quarter of 2018) at SSIMS & RC, College Council Hall on 17/05/2018.
  • 6. State Task Force Meeting was organized in SSIMS & RC on 18/05/2018. A total of 70 participants attended the meeting, including nodal officers from different medical colleges of Karnataka, District TB Officers and representatives from USAID and KHPT NGO.
  • 7. RNTCP state level conference was organized by SSIMS & RC, Davangere on 19/05/2018. Dr. Geethalakshmi R.G, Dr. Ashwin Kumar, Dr. Ratnaprabha, Dr. Vinayak J.K, Dr. Rakesh and postgraduate students Dr. Madonna D, DR. Mohammad Muntazeem and Dr. Feye Rose attended the conference. Two oral papers were presented in the conference of whom Dr. Ashwin Kumar won the third best paper award among faculty category.

RNTCP Activities in April – June 2018

  • 1. Dr Rakesh (Dept. of Community Medicine) & Dr. Ajith (Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine) attended TOT Workshop on Revised Programmatic Management of DR TB (PMDT) Guidelines – 2017, organized by KHPT in Bengaluru on 20 – 21st April 2018. Dr Anup Banur was the resource person.
  • 2. Dr Anup Banur went as resource person for CME on PMDT Guidelines in SNMC, Bagalkot on 29th April 2018.
  • 3. Dr Ratnaprabha (Dept. of Communiuty Medicine) attended the same training on 4 – 5th May 2018 in Bengaluru.
  • 4. IAPSM organized national level short educational video contest against tuberculosis on the occasion of World TB Day (24th March 2018) for UG & PG students of medical colleges. Dr Madonna D’souza (2nd year PG student form Dept. of Community Medicine) bagged the first prize under PG category under the Karnataka state chapter.
  • 5. Core committee meeting (1st Quarter of 2018) at SSIMS & RC, College Council Hall on 17/05/2018.
  • 6. State Task Force Meeting was organized in SSIMS & RC on 18/05/2018. A total of 70 participants attended the meeting, including nodal officers from different medical colleges of Karnataka, District TB Officers and representatives from USAID and KHPT NGO.
  • 7. RNTCP state level conference was organized by SSIMS & RC, Davangere on 19/05/2018. Dr. Geethalakshmi R.G, Dr. Ashwin Kumar, Dr. Ratnaprabha, Dr. Vinayak J.K, Dr. Rakesh and postgraduate students Dr. Madonna D, Dr. Mohammad Muntazeem and Dr. Faye Rose attended the conference. Two oral papers were presented in the conference of which Dr. Ashwin Kumar won the third best paper award among faculty category.
  • 8. Dr Ratnaprabha attended meeting regarding PMDT team training organized by KHPT in collaboration with the RNTCP on 07/06/2018.
  • 9. Dr Asha Bullappa attended one day workshop organized by Govt. of Karnataka on Active Case Finding Survey to be held in the state from 2nd to 13th July 2018 at Bengaluru on 18/06/2018.
  • 10. Dr Geethalakshmi RG (Dept. of Community Medicine), Dr Siddappa (Dept. of Medicine), Dr Priya V (Dept. of Pulmonary Medicine) attended Training of Trainers on RNTCP TOG-2016 organized by KHPT at St. John’s Medical College, Bengaluru on 18/06/2018 – 19/06/2018.
  • 11. Dr Ratnaprabha was one of the resource persons for PMDT team training organized by KHPT & RNTCP for programme field staff and medical officers at Shimoga on 19/06/2018.
  • 12. Dr Geethalakshmi RG and Dr Ratnaprabha were resource persons for PMDT team trainings organized by KHPT & RNTCP for programme field staff and medical officers at Davangere on 20/06/2018 and 21/06/2018.

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