Dr.Shwetha.V.R Bacteriology and antibiotic susceptibility pattern of ventilated associated pneumonia in a tertiary care hospital.2019, International Journal of Medical Science & Public Health International Journal of Medical Science & Public Health 2019;8(1):26-29
Dr.Veena.M, Competency Based Medical Education: Empowering Students Of Today To Become Competent Physicians Of Tomorrow.2019, IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS)
Dr.VinodKumar C. S, Satish Patil,B.S Prasad ,Arun kumar.A,N.K.Kallappanavar, KG. RaghuKumar1. ,KG. Basavarajappa1, VL.Jayasimha. Biofilm production and multidrug resistant bacterial isolates in ventilator associated pneumonia.2018 Indian Journal of Medical Sciences
Dr.Sunitha.K, Dr.Vinodkumar.CS, Dr.Sunitha.K Medical education and autonomous motivation among students.2018, Journal of Educational Research & Med Tech.
Dr.Vinodkumar.CS, Suneetha Kalasurmath, Prasad.B.S. Acceptability of Workplace basesd assessments in clinical setting. 2018J Edu Res Med Teacher
Ramya.TG, Veena.M, Spoorthi KU. Speciation and Detection of Virulence Factors in Various Candida Isolates.2018, International Journal of Research & Revie
K. G. Basavarajappa, C. S. VinodKumar, Vandana Rathod, and K. N. Kalappanavar. Utility of Real Time PCR in the Rapid Diagnosis of Pyogenic Meningitis. International Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry. 2010;6; 175–186.
K.G. Basavarajappa, C.S. VinodKumar, Srinivasa H, Nitin Bandekar. Isolation of Bacteriophages for MRSA obtained from Diabetic foot- A Possible treatment Option in infections International Journal of Biotechnology and Biochemistry 2010;6: 801-809.
K.G. Basavarajappa, C.S. VinodKumar, Gowri Naganur. Utility of Bacteriophage as a Bio-Disinfectant. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology 2010:4(2); 667-673
K.G. Basavarajappa, C.S. VinodKumar, Srinivasa H, Nitin Bandekar. Bacterial diversity, clinical features and In-Vitro Activity of Antimicrobial Agents in diabetic foot infection. JCAM.2010;12:55-69
K.G. Basavarajappa, C.S. VinodKumar, Srinivasa H, Geethalakshmi S, Nitin Bandekar. Isolation of Bacteriophages to MDR Enterococci obtained from Diabetic foot- A Novel antimicrobial agent waiting in the Shelf ?. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology. 2011; 54(1):90-96
K.G. Basavarajappa, C.S. VinodKumar, Srinivasa H, Nitin Bandekar. Incidence of beta lacatamases in gram negative bacilli in diabetic foot infection and the impact on the selection of antimicrobial therapy. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. 2011; 5(1):123-129.
K.G. Basavarajappa, C.S. VinodKumar, Srinivasa H, Nitin Bandekar. Metallo beta lactamase producing Pseudomonas aeruginosa and its association with diabetic foot. Indian Journal of Surgery. 2011; 73:23-28
V.L.Jayasimha, K.G.Basavarajappa, K.V.Yogesh Babu, H.P.Niranjan and V.Vijayanth. Dengue Duo Rapid test: A Valuable Screening Test for Dengue Outbreak Journal of Pure and applied Microbiology. 2011; 5 (1):381 -385.
V.L.Jayasimha, K.G.Basavarajappa, K.V.Yogesh Babu, H.P.Niranjan and H.C.Basavaraj Detection of MRSA in Chronic osteomyelitis. Journal of Pure and applied Microbiology. 2011; 5 (1): 465- 71.
H.C.Basavaraj V.L.Jayasimha, K.G.Basavarajappa, H.P.Niranjan. Bacteriological study of chronic osteomyelitis. Journal of Pure and applied Microbiology. 2011; 5 (1): 173- 77.
V.L.Jayasimha, K.G.Basavarajappa, K.V.Yogesh Babu, H.P.Niranjan. Vinod kumar C.S. Dengue; Seroprevalence & Diagnosis International Journal of Biotechnology and Biomedical research. 2011; Vol – 2 (1): 273-78
V.L.Jayasimha, K.G.Basavarajappa, K.V.Yogesh Babu, H.P.Niranjan. Vinod kumar C.S. Nasal carriers of MRSA in Surgery Department, Indian Journal Public Research & Development Vol.1 No 2.
S.S.Solabannavar, S.G.Kardesai, C.S.Patil, V.L.Jayasimha & V.Vijayanath Bacteriological Study of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. J. pure and appl.Microbiol.2011;5(2): 865-868.
Suresh B. Sonth, Mahesh C. Baragundi, Shivakumar S. Solabannavar, C.S. Patil, V.L.Jayasimha, Yemul Vishwananth and V.Vijayanath J. pure and appl.Microbiol.2011; 5 (2): 899-902.
H.P.Niranjan, V.L. Jayasimha, M.R.Anitha, V.Vijayanath and K.G.Basavarajappa Study of Bacteriological Profile in Ventilator Associated Pneumonia. appl.Microbiol.2011; 5(2): 831-835
K.V.Yogeesha babu. V.L.Jayasimha. Basavarajappa K.G. Arun kumar. K.G. Raghu kumar. Niranjan H.P.(1) : 195-203 Vijayanath.V. A comparative study of Ventilator Associated pneumonia and Tracheobronchitis: Incidence, outcome and Predisposing Risk Factors. Biosci., Biotech.Res.Asia; 2011; 8
K.G.Raghukumar, V.L.Jayasimha, K.V. Yogeesha babu, H.P. Niranjan, K.G.Basavarajappa and V.Vijayanath. Candiduria in patients attending a medical college teaching hospital, Davangere. J. pure and appl.Microbiol.2012; 6 (3): 1409-13.
Uma Kiran, C.S.Vinod Kumar, K.G.Basavrajappa AND Suneeta Kalsurmath Parasitic Infestation Among Urban and Rural Teenage Girls of Davangere District, Karnataka. J. pure and appl.Microbiol.2011; 5(2): 813-818.
K.V.Yogesha babu, Amruta kumari & V.Vijayanath. Study of Imipenem Resistant Metallo-Beta-Lactamase Positive Pseudomonas aeruginosa from Different Hospital Environmental Sources. Journal of Pure and applied Microbiology. 2001; 5 (1): 195-203.
K.V.Yogeesha babu. V.L.Jayasimha. Basavarajappa K.G. Arun kumar. K.G. Raghu kumar. Niranjan H.P. Vijayanath.V. A comparative study of Ventilator Associated pneumonia and Tracheobronchitis: Incidence, outcome and Predisposing Risk Factors. Biosci., Biotech.Res.Asia; 2011; 8 (1) : 195-203
K.V.Yogeesha Babu, V.Vijayanath, H.P. Niranjan and M.R.Anitha. Study of Imipenem Resistant Metallo-Beta-Lactamase Positive Pseudomonas aeruginosa from Burns Wound infections,Environmental sources and Impact of Infection Control Measurers in Burns Care Center. J. pure and appl.Microbiol.2011; 5(2): 695-703.
K.V.Yogeesha Babu, H.P. Niranjan V.Vijayanath, and M.R.Anitha and G.M.Raju. The influence of Metallo - Beta - Lactamase Production and Predisposing Risk Factors on Mortality in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Nosocomial infections. J. pure and appl.Microbiol 2011; 5(2): 761-768
K.V.Yogeesha Babu, H.P. Niranjan V.Vijayanath, and M.R.Anitha and G.M.Raju and Rajashree patil Study of Imipenem Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Associated Predisposing Risk Factors in a Rural Tertiary Care Hospital. J. pure and appl
H.P.Niranjan, V.L. Jayasimha, M.R.Anitha, V.Vijayanath and K.G.Basavarajappa Study of Bacteriological Profile in Ventilator Associated Pneumonia. appl.Microbiol.2011; 5(2): 831-835
S.S.Solabannavar, S.G.Kardesai, C.S.Patil, V.L.Jayasimha & V.Vijayanath Bacteriological Study of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. J. pure and appl.Microbiol.2011;5(2): 865-868.
Suresh B. Sonth, Mahesh C. Baragundi, Shivakumar S. Solabannavar, C.S. Patil, V.L.Jayasimha, Yemul Vishwananth and V.Vijayanath J. pure and appl.Microbiol.2011; 5 (2): 899-902.
H.P.Niranjan, V.L. Jayasimha, M.R.Anitha, V.Vijayanath and K.G.Basavarajappa Study of Bacteriological Profile in Ventilator Associated Pneumonia. appl.Microbiol.2011; 5(2): 831-835.
K.G.Raghukumar, R.Eshwar Singh, N. R.Chandrappa, A.R.Hanumanthappa,V. Vijayanath, M.R.Anitha., Seroprevalence of Hepatitis C Virus in Diagnostic patients and Blood Donors in and around Davangere. J Pure & Appl Microbiol 2011;5 (1): 275-9.
K.G.Raghukumar, K.V. Yogeesha Babu., N.R.Chandrappa, A.R. Hanumanthappa., V.Vijayanth. Prevalence of Hepatitis C Virus in a sample of pregnant women in Davangere: Survey by Antibody detection. J.Pure & Appl Microbiol 2012; 6 (3).
R.Eshwar singh, K.G.Raghukumar, M.Veena., G.Vishwanath. P.N. Sridhar Rao., B.V.Murlimanju. ESBL Production: Resistance pattern in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae, A study by NCCLS method. Research Journal of pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 2012; 3 (1) 559-565.
K.V.Yogeesha Babu., K.G.Raghukumar., K.G.Basavrajappa., Arun kumar., V.L.Jayasimha., H.P.Niranjan., (15) 1 – 8. V.Vijayanth., Ventilator Associated Tracheobronchitis: Incidence, Etiology and Predisposing Risk Factors. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences 2011; 4
R.Eshwar singh, M.Veena, K.G.Raghukumar. G.Vishwanath, P.N.Sridhar Rao., B.V.Murlimanju. ESBL Production: Resistance pattern in Escherichia coli and klebsiella pneumoniae, a study by DDST method. International Journal of Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical Technology. 2011; 2 (4) 415-422.
K.V. Yogeesha babu., V.L.Jayasimha, K.G.Basavarajappa., Arun kumar., K.G.Raghukmar, H.P.Niranjan., V.Vijayanth. A comparative study of Ventilator-Associated Pneumoniae and Ventilator Associated Tracheobronchitis: Incidence, Outcome, Risk Factors. Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia. 2011; 8 (1) 195 – 203.
K.G.Raghukumar, K.V., Yogeesha Babu, K.G. Basavarajappa. Prevalence of Hepatitis B surface antigen among patients attending a tertiary care centre, Davangere. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences.2013:vol 2 (31)5856-5861
K.G.Raghukumar., V.L.,Jayasimha., K.V.Yogeesha Babu., H.P.Niranjan., K.G.Basavarajappa., and V.Vijayanath. Candiduria in Patients Attending a Medical college teaching hospital, Davangere Journal of pure and appleid microbiology,Sept 2012 vol.6(3),p.1409-1413.
The following was the scientific presentation made in BIOSATUM-2012, organized by Department of Biotechnology B.I.E.T. Davangere on 11th ,12th May 2012.“Prevalence of Pulmonary Candidiasis in patients at S.S Institute of Medical Science and Research Centre (SSIMS&RC),Davangere.”Student name - Chaitra K.R.Guide name - Dr.Raghu kumar K.G.
R.Eshwar singh, K.G.Raghukumar, M.Veena, G.Vishwanath.P.N.Sridhar Rao, B.V.Murlimanju.ESBL Production: Residence pattern in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae, A study by NCCL method. Research Journal of pharmacrutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences.2012;3(1)559-565
K.G.Raghukumar,V.L.Jayasimha,K.V.Yogeshbabu,H.P.Niranjan,K.G.Basavarajappa,V.Vijayanth Candiduria in patients attending a medical college teaching Hospital,Davangere.Journal of pure & Applied Microbial 2012;6(3):1409-1413
K.G.Raghukumar, K.V.Yogesh Babu, N.R.Chandrappa, A.R.Hanumanthappa, V.Vijayanath.Prevalence Of Hepatitis C Virus in a sample of pregnant Women in Davangere: Survey by Antibody detection. J Pure & Applied Microbiology 2012; 6(1):429-432
V.L.Jayasimha, Tippeswamy MTR, Yogeshbabu.K.V, Vinodkumar.C.S, NirajanH.P, K.G,Raghukumar, K.G.Basavarajappa.Dengue: Seroprevalence, Comparision of Rapid test with ELISA. National Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, 2012; 3(1):57-60
K.C.Siddesh, V.L.Jayasimha, K.G.Basavarajappa.N.R.Chandrappa, G.M.Raju, V.Vijayanath.One year Bacteriological study of Diabetic foot infection and its Antibiogram. Journal of pure Applied Microbiology,2012;6(3):1461-1464
Sampana Mutalik, Vinodkumar.C.S, Subramanian Swamy, Manjappa.S. Hydrolysis of Lignocelluloses feed stock by Rauminococcusalbus in the Production of Bio Fuel-Ethanol .Indian Journal of Biotechnology 2012; 11:453-457
N.K.Kalappanvar, Vinodkumsr.C.S, K.G.Basavarajappa, ChandrashekarGouil, Sanjay.D, R.D.Chandana, Rajeshwaripatil.Clincal spectrum of dengue fever and dengue like infection in children, Central Karnataka,India.Journal pure and Applied Microbiology.2012;6(3)1321-1326
N.K.Kalappanvar, Vinodkumar.C.S, Rajashripatil, ChandrashekarGouli, Sanjay.D, Nagedra.K.Carbon Particles in airway macrophage as a surrogate maker in the early detection of Lung Diseases. .Inter J Occ Env Med.2012; 3:68-75.
Vinodkumar.C.S, Srinivas.H, Basavarajappa.KG, Umakanthpatil, NitinBandekar, Rajashripatil.Effectveness of bacteriophages in the treatment of staphylococcus aureus wound infection in the diabetic animal model. Sin J PharmRes.2012; 5:123-127
K.G.Raghukumar ,Yogeshbabu,K.V,Basavarajappa.K.G.Prevalence of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen among patients attending a tertiary Care center,Davangere.Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences2013;2(31):5856-5861
V.L.Jayasimha,VinodkumarC.S,Raghukumar.K.G,Basavarajappa.K.G.SurfaceTonsillar bacteria versus deep Tonsillar bacterial in tonsillitis J Pup Health Med Res, 2013; 1(2):92-94
N.K.Kalappanvar,ViniodkumarC.S,K.G.Basavarajappa,G.Chandrashaker,D .Sanjay.Outbreak of dengue infections in rural Davangere,Karnataka.Asian pacific J Tro Dis 2013;6:502-503
Vinodkumar.C.S, N.K.Kalappanavar,K.G.Basavarajappa,G.Chandrashaker, D.Sanjay, Naveena.H , ,Prasad.B.S.Epispde of coexisting infections by multiple dengue virus serotypes in Center Karnataka, India Infectious Dis Pub Health.2013;6:302-306.
Kruthika.P, V.L.Jayasimha, K.G.Basavarajappa, K.G.Raghukumar, Vinodkumar.C,S. Nosocomial Candiduria-A one year prospective study in Intensive Care Unit.2014;2(2)43-6
Vishwajeet Bardoloi, Yogesh Babu.K, Basavarajppa.K.G. Study of Biofilm producing property and predisposing factors in Bacterial Isolate from Community Acquired Urinary Tract Infection. International journal of recent trends in science and technology, 2014;9(3):370-377
K.G.Raghukumar, S.Navya, K.G.Basavarajappa. A study of Bacterial profile and Antibiotic Susceptibility pattern of chronic Suppurative Otitis Media among patients attending a tertiary care center,Davangere.Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences 2014;2(5B):1606-1612
VinodkumarC.S,SunithaKalasuramath,Lakshmi.RP,Jayasimha.VL,Basavarajappa.K.G,NiranjanK.V. Descriptive analysis of MBBS Microbiology question paper of RGUHS,Bangaluru.JEduRes Med teacher 2014;2:29-32
Deepak Vishwanth, JayasimhaV.L, Prabhuji MLV,Vijeev Vasudevan. A critical Appraisal of Diet and Nutrition on oral health in Children–A Review. International journal of health sciences and Research,2014;4(1):165-173
Mayuri S, VinodkumarC.S, Arunkumar A, JayasimhaV.L, K.G.Basvarajappa.Bactreial colonization of endotracheal tubes incubated patients. Int Recent trends sci Techno 2015;13(3):603-608.
Vinodkumar C.S,Suneeta Kalauramath,Chethan Kumar. Ability of Bactereriophage in Resolving wound Infection caused by Multidrug –Resistant Acinetobacter Baumannii In uncontrolled Diabetic Rats. Microbial Drug Resistance 2015; 21:171-177.
Jayasimha V.L, K.G.Basavarajappa, VinodKumar C.S, Satish Patil, Seema. Allergic airway diseases-role of microbiota and the environment. International journal of recent scientific research 2016:7:78-82.
Jayasimha V.L, K.G.Basavarajappa, VinodKumar C.S, Satish Patil, Seema. Bacteriological study of infection in allergic airway disease. Indian Journal of Aerobiology.2016:26:1-2
Vinodkumar C. S., Satish S. Patil, Arun Kumar A., B. S. Prasad, N. K. Kalappanavar, Niranjan K., ShamaTaj K. R., Raghu Kumar K. G., Jayasimha V. L., Basavarajappa K. G. Repercussion of biofilm and antibiotic resistance in ventilator associated pneumonia. Int J Res Med Sci. 2017 Oct;5(10):4419-4425. (INDEX COPERNICUS) Accepted date: 21 August 2017
VinodKumar CS, Satish Patil, BS Prasad, NK Kalappanavar, SG Jayaraj, Niranjan K, RoopaJayaprakash, Raghu Kumar KG, Basavarajappa KG, Jayasimha VL. Rickettsial neglected zoonoses: prevalence of scrub typhus at central Karnataka. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences .Int J Res Med Sci. 2017 Aug;5(8):3672-3675. (INDEX COPERNICUS) Accepted date: 08 July 2017
Manjunatha Sarathi, K.G. Raghukumar, V.L. Jayasimha,C.S. VinodKumar,Satish S.Patil,K.R.Shamataj,K.G.Basavarajappa. Prevalence of Hepatitis in central Karnataka, India.2017;Jan;4(1),87-89
VinodKumar C. S, Sonika Prasad, Satish Patil, Aditya Reddy V., Ankita Jha, Raghu Kumar K. G., Jayasimha V. L., Basavarajappa K. G. Public transport: a large scale fomite of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Int J Res Med Sci. 2018 Jan;6(1):172-176.
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